

The Lost Art of Manhood: Chivalry in the Age of Chaos

In the backdrop of a fast-paced world, shifting paradigms, and ayahuasca-fueled enlightenment, there stands a fading silhouette—a beacon of hope for the nostalgists—the real man. Alright, picture this: Not that cartoonish dude, chugging a beer with a belly that could double as a small trampoline, harking back to the “golden era” when men were men […]


The Power of Defaulting to Happiness

The landscape of the human experience is vast, but I’ve always found it peculiar that so many, including my past self, tread the tortuous trails of self-inflicted pain when the vast plains of happiness lay just a detour away. A lot of this, I’ve realized, boils down to a deceptively simple word we often shy […]


A New York Author’s Romantic Odyssey and Dance with Modern Dating

For a former Navy SEAL turned author like me, you’d think the daunting skyscrapers and bustling streets of New York City would be nothing compared to chasing terrorists amidst the harsh mountains of Afghanistan. Yet, here I am, navigating the perilous waters of NYC and Lisbon’s serial dating scene, attempting to find my Elizabeth Bennet […]


Unlocking Personal Freedom: Overcoming Fearful Traps and Patterns

Life is a kaleidoscope of choices, marked by intersections of aspirations and hesitations. At these junctions, many of us find we are gripping tightly to past ideals and identities, much like a safety net in uncertain skies. The concept of ‘surrender’ is often misconstrued as yielding to defeat. However, true surrender is an embrace of […]


The Power of Choice: Harnessing Our Response to Adversity

Life, with all its unexpected twists and turns, often unfolds in ways that are outside our control. It serves up a smorgasbord of experiences, some delightful and others challenging. Despite this unpredictability, there’s one element that always remains firmly within our grasp: our response. We cannot choose what happens to us. We cannot dictate the […]


The Duality of Fear

  In the vast, still waters of our existence, we occasionally find ourselves engulfed by waves of an unsettling emotion: Fear. Just as a pebble disturbs the tranquility of a pond, fear disrupts our peace of mind. In my book, “Mastering Fear” – I discuss that fear isn’t necessarily a demon to be exorcised, but […]

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